Monthly Archives: December 2009

Day after New Year’s Day ExpressionFest

You’re invited to join us in celebrating the New Year with a party on the evening of Saturday, January 2nd at Maitri House. This is an open-invitation event.

We’ll have dinner at 6:30 (please feel free to bring a potluck contribution or not). Our menu will include vegan black-eyed peas, greens, and corned beef. If you know of other traditional New Year foods, feel free to suggest them or bring them!

We’ll follow dinner with an Expressionfest (open mic for poetry, dance, music, or any other form of expression) and dancing.

You are invited to dress up in your fancy party clothes (or not), and invite your friends (especially if they like to play music or dance!).

Time/Date: Saturday January 2nd, Dinner at 6:30, festivities following.
Organizers: Emily, Sarah, Melinda, Ryan
Contact if you need directions.

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