A Vision of Zero-Waste Lifestyle

You’ve invited to join us at Maitri House Wednesday Feb 9 for a presentation and discussion about “A Vision of Zero-Waste Lifestyle
Join us at 5:30 for a potluck, vegan-inclusive dinner
or at 6:30 for the discussion itself
A Vision of Zero-Waste Lifestyle
Presenter: Sasha Adkins
We live in a disposable culture where things, and perhaps, for many, even relationships, are only instrumentally valuable. What would it look like to begin to see worth in everything, even what others have thrown away — dumpstering for food, befriending folks living on the street, and committing to not contributing to the waste stream might be pieces of this lifestyle. I’ll present my dissertation research on trash, with a focus on plastics in the oceans and the consequences for human health. We’ll discuss practical ways to disengage from disposable culture and create together an alternative vision.
rsvp to Ryan McAllister: ryan@notjustskin.org

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